Abandoned Places and Thorndon Country Park

Oh what a day I had yesterday. It was a fine, sunny Sunday…

… Ok, enough of that. But it was sunny!

Yesterday, I went on another adventure with Reiss Cleal and Tom Barden.

We were supposed to be going to the abandoned ‘Harold Wood Hospital’ for a photography excursion, which has been left to deteriorate for years. Reiss and Tom had been there before, and I was a total newbie. However, our plans were caught short, after we were warned off by a big Russian security guard with a big, barking German Shepherd; and a woman (who was more scarier than the dog!) in a blacked out security unit truck, who basically told us that these were private roads and to go away. We got the hint and therefore left.

Not good.

We ended up fixing our need for exploring abandoned buildings by visiting a derelict Community Centre near Tom’s house. It was dark. VERY dark. And smelled of rot. I admittedly was scared of ghosts and monsters. A short video will be found in my March Blogcast, but for now, here are some pics:

After about 45 minutes pottering about in there, and a quick Google search later, we found ourselves at Thorndon Country Park, Essex. I cannot explain how massive this place was, and it was so beautiful too. We spent a good 4 or 5 hours in here, taking loads of photographs, making videos, climbing trees and photographing and filming ourselves climbing trees. I was just happy that Reiss let me play with his Wide Angle and Zoom Lenses. Thanks Reiss! Videos, of course, will be shown on my March Blogcast, but here are the photos:





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