Disappearing City – Completed.

Things have come a long, long way since January, when I started this brief. This bundle of joy is the reason for my lack of posts and sanity. But now it is finished.

I now present to you ‘AN-Civic – The Disappearing City’, which has been personally handed in to D&AD as of today.

“This project depicts human nature as the sole destroyer of cities and societies. Engaging its audience by encouraging them to investigate the narrative itself, in a story that does not just stop once the movie has finished.”

News Broadcast:

Box of evidence:



Please be a good sport and look through the websites and click on all of the links. A lot of work has been put into this project – you might even find some hidden gems!

All feedback for this project is also welcome, it would be great to get some opinions on this, even though it is too late to make any changes.

I am very proud of this project. The majority of it I did myself – website design, photography, design work, story writer… even the idea was mine.

I can see how much I have progressed already with this project. I am making designs that look more professional, which is giving me confidence for any future projects that will come. Also, it has giving me confidence in my ideas. Many people didn’t understand what I was trying to do. Tutors being among them, thought it would be out of my ability and that it wouldn’t work. I believe I have proven them wrong by my determination and hard work. It was a massive risk – especially as I had to persuade my own partner in going down this pathway for the project. So if it failed, it failed for the both of us.

Therefore, I think that before I scrap my ideas, because someone who is more experience than me tells me ‘no’, I will pursue it, until I truly believe that it is a no-go. It makes me wonder about all the other ideas that I have had, and told that they were crap and have scrapped that could have been brilliant.

This project has been a huge turning point in my career already, and has given me belief in myself.

I know I can do it.

Moving on, I thought you might want to see what the D&AD building is like, so here are a couple of snaps:

Yeah… That’s what I thought… :/