I WON My First Job in Film’s Video CV Competition!
The clock struck 12am on 1st September 2012 and I was relieved to find that I had won with a staggering 425 votes – 180 more than any of the other entries (all together there were 11).
I came into the competition 3 weeks later and filmed and edited my entry within 1 day. Having known that others had a huge headstart on me, I started a campaign which spread across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
I worked extremely hard for 12 days on this campaign, so it was a huge relief to have my win confirmed:
I am very humbled with the amount of support that I have received from friends, family, friends of friends and people within the industry. There is no way that I could have won without them! And when you receive a comment such as this, you know that all of your effort was worth it:
Yes, Mark Millar; comic book writer who wrote Kick Ass and Marvel’s Civil War. My big geeky heart exploded in awe. My Video CV’s exposure didn’t stop there, having also been retweed by two time gold Olympic medallist Dame Kelly Holmes and my favourite comic illustrator J H Williams III (who I have often raved about on this blog).
I am now currently featured on My First Job in Film’s homepage and will be meeting with them sometime this week to get a plan together on how I’m going to break into the film industry. I am extremely excited to get started and to see what the future brings!
So thank you to everyone who voted and spread my Video CV, I owe my win and any future success to you!
Well done well done!!!