Justice League Experience

I got invited to the private Justice League Experience last night in the old…

DREDD - The Ultimate bad-ass movie

I have been extremely busy the past few weeks. I am currently on secondment as…

The Dark Knight Rises European Premiere

So I went to The Dark Knight Rises European Premiere in London yesterday... I…

The Batwoman Legacy

Oh Batwoman, I do love thee. Since reading Batwoman: Elegy in 2010, I was…


Et voila! One finished This is Me Pro animation: Portfolio link here. What ya…

London Film Museum

A couple of months ago I took an impromptu visit to The London Film Museum. I…

Reworking This is Me Pro

Ok, so it is my Easter Holidays and not long before I have my final hand in for…

I've been a busy lady.

Ahh what a most fabulous Sunday afternoon. My football team has just won 3-1,…

This is Me Pro - Final... but adjustments pending

I now present to you my 'This is Me Pro' animation:…

A personal project...

My love of all things Batman has never gone unnoticed. But, I think that my…

Holy Cow Batman! It's my birthday!

Now, I know that this is supposed to be specifically my Design blog and blahdy…

London MCM Expo

Last Sunday, I went to the London MCM Expo at the Excel Centre. It's always…

Inventory Project - My Superhero Obsession

Today I had a crit for the 2 week inventory project for design. The brief was…

Meet Oswald 'Ozzy' Cobblepot!

Say hello to Oswald Cobblepot! Or Ozzy for short... or if you live in Gotham…