Hold me.. hold me in your cheese ridden layers…
Things are going quite well as of late! It’s been just over a week since I last blogged as I’ve been quite busy.
Firstly, I’m still working on my flash site – it’s taking me quite a while as I am a newbie to Flash and im this so close to throwing my mac out of the window as Flash will not do what I wanted it to do. I might also be rebranding my site already – I’m not sure if the creepy ink things work with my site… But I will not do anything like that yet until I get the technical side of the site completed.
Secondly, the ‘Child called ‘It” project didn’t go as well as I wanted it to… I didn’t understand if the feedback I got about my zine was positive or negative, the Booktrailer kind of got slaughtered – everyone’s did to be honest, but mine just seemed moreso and I’m not even allowed the chance to defend my work by my tutors which was lovely, and my poster didn’t get much feedback anyway.
As for my poster, I think that im going to have to start sitting in the middle of the room so that it gives tutors a chance to ‘warm up’ because they always seem better at giving a critique towards the end – positive and negative comments may I add – rather than in the beginning where they tend to sit like zombies. Jokes aside, I prefer truthful comments about my work, be they positive or negative, so that I can learn from my mistakes, which I most definately have done with this project. If I was ‘so good’ then I wouldn’t need to go to university and spend ยฃ9000+ on an education, I would just go straight into working for big names. Therefore, I am just here to learn ๐
My poster project:
Ok, so this week so far and the previous week, I have been working on a new project, which is the last project of the year also. It’s a long four week project. The main project is to work in a group of four (Buzz, Sophie, Sydney and myself) and create a 1-minute cinematic film based on the theme of ‘double’. The animation project is to create an animated title for that movie, and the design project is a singular project where i have to create a 16 page (including front and back cover) A5 book based on ‘Double’, which has to be in greyscale + one colour. It also has to have at least one typography treatment, one photographic treatment and one illustrative treatment. When these are complete, the whole class’ books will be sent off and bound together professionally and we will all get a copy – which is rather cool, if I do say so myself.
The main project has been a bit of a whirlwind. We have changed our minds so much from the abstract, to narrative, to documentary to poem. Yeah – that much. I won’t go into too much detail, but we had decided (until 11am yesterday may I add) that we were going to do a short documentary on this old man who had a split personality and basically thought he was god – not in an insane sense, but just someone with a massive ego. The tutors first told us that they were worried because they thought we were trying to exploit and make fun of a mentally insane person – when we wasn’t – and once we smoothed that out, they were worried that we will have too much footage for a one minute film, and it may not work in the timescale that we are allowed.
That got us just a tad worried, and started us thinking.
On Wednesday morning – the day we were due to start shooting, Sophie brought in a poem that she had written the night before.
I present to you the Cheeseburger poem:
I’m looking for a burger, fool,
A burger that will make me drool,
Into a bucket my drool will collect,
Something greasy that will show me respect.
For those who do not recognise,
The genius of my disguise,
I tell ye all, I tell ye now,
I am a burger from Kentish Town.
Hold the lettuce.
Hold the relish.
Hold the phone.
Hold me…
Just hold me in your cheese ridden layers,
I’ve had enough of players,
Can’t you see my eyes?
Can’t you hear my cries?
Look past my beef interior,
Love is the superior,
For I am no longer complete,
Not worthy to compete.
Rules out on all occassions,
No discussion, no persuasion,
I’m a single, I’m a loser,
An independant cruiser.
No co-workers or playmates,
No sidekick or double dates,
No thickness to my frame,
No-one to call my name.
I beg for one more patty,
One more beef slab, one more hit,
Make me a double,
I’ll be no trouble…
…No trouble at all.

We loved it, so have decided to make our project based on it. Within a couple of hours, we had drawn a storyboard, bought loads of burgers and cheese, got the equipment, I had my breasts poked by my tutor in Sainsburys and we started rolling. And by 3pm today, we were finished and sat waiting outside the technicians room with all the other groups – however they were collecting their equipment and we were giving ours back. We don’t have anything left to do for that project until Monday which is when we start editing – tell a lie, we are praying that we have all the footage and sound we need lol. But anyway, it leaves my head clear for more important stuff that is happening at the moment.

With the animation project, we get more details tomorrow.
I had to present my book idea to the class and design tutors this morning. I want to base my book on palindromes. A palindrome is a word, sentence, number sequence or audio that says the same thing being read / played backwards as it does forwards. For example: Mr owl ate metal worm. Geddit? If not – google palindromes. They are cool ๐
So I want to make a book that explains palindromes, but is a palindrome itself – so you can read it from front to back, and back to front and it will still read the same. I did quite a bit of research and it really paid off. I was really surprised with myself – I wasn’t nervous whatsoever, described my idea clearly and was able to answer any questions that the tutor had, as I had all angles covered, with my little drawings and research bits. And the tutors seemed to really like my idea!! So I’m quite over the moon about that as you can imagine ๐ The lesson that I have learnt: Research actually helps!! Believe it or not, it does!! The tutors can be right after all ๐
Tonight I’m off to a fireworks display in Walthamstow, so hopefully I shall have some nice photos to put up. I’m quite enjoying photography now – it makes such a difference when you aren’t forced to do something, because then it just comes naturally.