MTV Ident Shoot

Finally, after plenty of planning and trying to find a time that would suit everyone, the MTV Shoot is DONE.
Meeting at Upminster at 8.30am, Reiss, Emilia and myself went to ‘The Wreck’ and shot one half of the ident. Then Reiss and I went in search of grassy roundabouts in Dartford, which the initial shots will be superimposed onto.
I had Emilia, my actress, all-hippied up with colourful beads, accessories and UV paints; dancing around a tent like a mad woman. Pretty much infront of loads of football and rugby players. I owe her BIG TIME.
Reiss was amazing enough to let me use his Canon 7D, and gave me lots of ideas, technical help and was a great cinematographer. He even drove me around, including in traffic and really went out of his way so I could get the shots I needed. I owe him BIG TIME too.
The sun came, went and then come back again all day, but luckily it only started to rain when it was time to go home.
Here are some production stills. I’m the trampy looking one. All I needed was a beard and I would have looked the part as a director.
Needless to say, I really wouldn’t have been able to have done this without Reiss and Emilia. They took time out of their hectic lives just to help me, and just for that I am so bloody grateful. I am very lucky to have friends like them, and I just hope that one day I can repay the favour 🙂
Video footage of the day:
So now, I’m onto the post production stuff. I am a little worried about angles and stuff, and being able to superimpose the dancing onto the roundabout… But all I can do is try. It’s going to be a lot of hard work, but when it’s done, it will be worth it 🙂
It’s ok missy, no problem, it was fun. And you made a great post out of it! The photo of Emelia blowing bubbles towards the camera is amazing! Good job!