DVD Showreel Baby. Yeah!

Oh I seem to be so bad at this keeping up with the blog post shizzle.

Anywho, here is a quick run down.

I have had several highs and lows these past few weeks, including getting good feedback, very bad feedback, even worse feedback and having a project – which I haven’t blogged about at all yet – which drove me mad. All of this drove me to new low depths.

Ok, so where am I at now?

I got my dissertation results!! My project and 6300 words got 72% which is a 2.1! Which means that I am on track to get the grade that I want. WELL CHUFFED =D

I am also on a new project. When it comes to my final hand in for my my degree, I have to hand in a DVD with all of my moving image work on it. We had a tutorial on how to make a DVD and menus etc, which I really enjoyed. I loved how open for creativity a DVD menu was! So, I decided to take it on as a project and get creative with it.

I have an obsession with asylums (hence the blog name duh) so have based my DVD menus on this theme.

Here are my art boards, which I drew and inked by hand:

And what I have rendered so far:

The idea is that if you select a room, you will be taken to a certain part of my portfolio. For example, if the projection room is selected, you get to see my films. I have a few things to change – I don’t like the moon spinning for one – and I need to add animations, a proper background etc, as well as a few other bits. But this gives an idea for the style.

The project is due in this Friday. There’s a lot of animating to do, but if I have time I want to design the DVD, cover and booklet