Disappearing City - Completed.
Things have come a long, long way since January, when I started this brief.…
Graphic Design Podcast #01 - January 2010
First installment of my monthly blogcast. Sorry for the lack of content and the…
MTV Live Brief and Update
Hello, hello, hello. I've really got to keep on top of this blogging malarky.…
Vote in this poll for my project pleassse!
Hi guys, for my project, I need to know what you think is the worst thing about…
The Disappearing City - D&AD Brief
Here is my thought process for this brief. It is quite complex, and I have…
A new term, a new year and a new project
Well, I'm back to uni. As of Monday just gone, I have started my 2nd term of my…
New Splash page and Sherlock Holmes
Blimey I need to keep updated a little bit more! But then again, it is because…
Revised Property Doctor Logos
Here are my revised Property Doctor Logos, after feedback from my client. I…
'Perfect' (apparently)
Friday's crit went rather well I think. It was on our title sequences (i.e. the…
Palindrome Magazine Finally complete!
Please excuse the hair and general appearance, but I'm tired and want to go to…
The magic of fiddling around...
Things have been pretty busy. Well first of all, the footage for the Burger…
Hold me.. hold me in your cheese ridden layers...
Ok! Things are going quite well as of late! It's been just over a week since I…
Child called 'It' Zine complete!!
Woop! I don't think I've ever been so energetic and happy at 2am before? (Apart…
Urgh 3 projects at a time...
Okie dokie, it has been a week since I have blogged now, so time for a little…
Less than one week in, and exhausted already...
This is what I wrote yesterday in my sketchbook, while in a freezing cold…