'Perfect' (apparently)
Friday's crit went rather well I think. It was on our title sequences (i.e. the…
Double project complete (ish)
Woop! The Double project is now complete :D I now present to you 'Single'…
End of the world cometh (And a nice review of A Christmas Carol 3D)
There's two things I want to talk about on this sunny (believe it or not)…
OpenOffice is a pain in the @%$£
What else is there to do while you are in the uni library, supposed to be…
Urgh 3 projects at a time...
Okie dokie, it has been a week since I have blogged now, so time for a little…
Less than one week in, and exhausted already...
This is what I wrote yesterday in my sketchbook, while in a freezing cold…